课程系列 | 主题课程 | |
精益现场 Lean Workshop |
精益生产到场实战 | Lean Simulation Practice |
现场改善道场实战 | Lean Kaizen Practice | |
5S目视化与标准作业 | 5S vs Visual Management and Standard Work | |
精益生产布局优化 | Lean Layout Design | |
精益品质 Lean Quality |
品质管理道场实战 | Quality Control and Kaizen Practice |
品质保证体系构建 | Quality Control System | |
供应商品质管理 | Supplier Quality Management | |
精益成本 Lean Cost Down |
现场成本控制与递减 | Cost Down Workshop |
成本管理与预算管理 | Cost Control System | |
供应链管理与采购 | Supply Chain and Purchase Management | |
人才育成 Lean Talent Building |
一线主管道场实战 | Front-line supervisor Practice |
TWI管理课程(JI、JR、JM) | TWI Job Instruction/Job Relation/ Job Method | |
QC小组活动及创意功夫 | QC Teamwork and Kaizen Activity | |
MTP管理课程 | Management Training Program | |
精益文化建设 | Lean Culture Building | |
设备管理 Equipment Maintenance |
TPM全员生产性维护 | Total Productive Maintenance |
TPM自主保全与快速换模 | Self-Maintenance and SMED | |
TPM专业保全与防呆防错 | Professional Maintenance and Poka Yoke | |
计划/物流 Production Planning and Logistic |
生产计划与物流仓储 | Production Plan and Warehouse Control |
精益物流管理及应用 | Lean Logistic Management and Application | |
精益物流与供应链管理 | Lean Logistic and Supply Chain Management | |
精益推动 Lean Promotion |
精益推动者工作坊 | Lean Promotion Workshop |
精益领导力 | Lean Leadership | |
构建精益管理系统 | Build Lean Management System |